Pew News: August 23, 2024

Dear Members and Friends,


You are invited to join us for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 25th at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Rev. Charlotte will be leading worship along with special musical guests Pam Goff, Emily Broderick and soloist Mary McConneloug. Sermon is titled “Be Wise, Be Sober, Be Thankful” from Ephsians 5:15-20. Sunday School is available after the first hymn.  Zoom link below.  Covid-19 is having a summer island surge so please stay healthy. Masks and hand sanitizer are available in the church and we will keep windows and doors open for good air circulation.


We are planning an outdoor lawn Celebration event for the church and our invited guests on Sunday, September 15th from 1-3pm. We will share our story of resilience, courage and faithfulness – past, present and future – with food, music and community.  If the weather is ghastly we will move to the Community Center. Email invites have been sent out. Please RSVP ASAP.


Kairos Bible Study with Rev. Vicky Hanjian

Begins Wednesday September 4, 10:30am in sanctuary of The First Church of West Tisbury.

The study will focus on Genesis and use a book titled THE FLAWED FAMILY OF GOD: Stories about the Imperfect Families in Genesis by Carolyn Helsel and Song-Mi Suzie Park. This book is readily available online.The study group will explore the nature of “family” in all its diversity in the 21st century and ponder about how the ancient stories are still alive today. It will be helpful if you can begin reading the book and/or the early chapters of Genesis. Contact Vicky at if you are interested in attending. All are welcome!


The Committee (Pam Goff, Sarah Carr and Sam Hart) is writing up a descriptive profile of Chilmark Church this summer. This is the first step in the Search and Call process for a new settled minister and will be circulated to interested candidates when completed. Advertising will begin some time in late September. The Committee would like your initial input on what characteristics you would most like to see in your next pastor. The form is attached and they are asking you to pick your top 5 traits and then rank those traits from 1 to 5 in importance. Feel free to add in any additional comments at the bottom or back of the page. Please return by mail, email or in person before the end of August. Thank you for your assistance with this critical task.


Island churches and faith communities are invited to explore inter-racial understanding of American history and current events through participation in Sacred Ground Second Round – 2025. Sacred Ground is a film and reading based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. The 11 part series is built around documentaries and texts that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino and Asian-Pacific histories as they intersect with European American histories. Over 120 islanders participated in the first Sacred Ground program sponsored by the Episcopal Church during COVID. The past participants are now encouraging others to take advantage of this second offering of the course that begins in January 2025. For more information about the course or if interested contact Woody Bowman (508-958-7058).


  • Saturday August 24th – Chilmark Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Tuesday August 27th – LAST Lobster Roll sale 4:30-6:30pm
  • Wednesday August 28th – Chilmark Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Saturday August 31st – Chilmark Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Saturday September 7th – LAST Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Sunday September 15th – The Celebration 1pm – 3pm Church Lawn
  • Sunday September 22nd – Congregational Meeting 10:15am
  • Tuesday October 1st – PIZZA NIGHT BEGINS

Invitation for Worship Service 

Sunday August 25, 2024

Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room

Join our Zoom Meeting by tapping the underlined address below

Meeting ID: 890 298 4151
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