Pew News: July 26, 2024

Dear Members and Friends


You are invited to join us for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost July 28th at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Rev. Charlotte will be leading worship with Sean McMahon our Music Minister. Sermon is titled “Abundance” from John 6:1-21 where Jesus feeds the crowd a Happy Meal of loaves and fishes. Sunday School is available after the first hymn. Worship order attached. Zoom link below. 

Rev. Charlotte will be away July 29-August 4th for CT parent visit and respite (hopefully!).

A huge thank you to Pam Goff (organ), granddaughter Cassidy Goff (banjo) and Patrick Lydon (guitar), guest musicians in Sean’s absence last Sunday. Good luck to FRUTE on their upcoming tour. Please come visit us again soon. 

Covid-19 is having a summer island surge so please stay healthy. Masks and hand sanitizer are available in the church and we will keep windows and doors open for good air circulation. 

Calling all Chimark Church Choir members. This Sunday after church (10:15) Sean will meet to discuss the next choral selection(s). All are welcome to drop in and no past experience necessary.


We have 4 new members joining the church this Sunday July 28th during worship. Please come be a part of our warm welcome to Ian Goff, Brian Kennedy, Virginia Barbatti and Aaron Barbatti!


Total sold out Tuesday and at Flea Market Wednesday morning (thank you Corie, Virginia and Sarah) was 290+!

We welcomed Drew Kennedy to the Tuesday crew. There are also now two 90+ year old workers on lobster duty. The funds raised at this sale is a major contributor to the Chilmark Church’s ongoing day to day Operating Budget.

Picture is last year’s crew relaxing at end-of-season party!

TINY DANCER’S 90th Party 

Connie Williams broke out her 90 year old dancing feet in front of her gathered birthday crowd last Sunday. Her grandson Noah presented her with her well earned cake. Connie, your youthful spirit is contagious and many more dances ahead!


AUGUST 1 @ 3-7pm at Menemsha Harbor

Join the MV Fishermen’s Preservation Trust to celebrate the island’s commercial fishermen and working waterfronts.

Activities for Meet the Fleet 2024 include:

  • ·        Boat tours of the Coast Guard and Environmental Police vessels
  • ·        Coast Guard helicopter rescue demonstration (weather permitting)
  • ·        Music by local bands on the docks 
  • ·        Green crab races
  • ·        Raw bar
  • ·        Fish-filleting demonstrations
  • ·        Net-mending competition
  • ·        Sea scallop shucking competition
  • ·        Fish printing for the kids and MORE!


The Rev. Nell Fields will be leading Chilmark Church on Sunday August 4 in Charlotte’s absence. Some of you may remember her from when she preached here as a seminary student some years ago. Nell joined the Waquoit Congregational Church UCC (East Falmouth) as minister in October 2010. Since starting at Waquoit, Nell has initiated a number of new ministries on the Cape, including Safe Plates, an annual fundraiser for various social justice causes; the Waquoit Farmers Market; a yearly Animal Blessing and Animal Fair for area nonprofit animal groups to raise awareness and donations; Falmouth Builds Together, a community-wide effort to provide the needed resources to help build Habitat for Humanity homes in Falmouth, and the state’s first “Death Café,” a monthly gathering for people to talk about that taboo subject – death. It will be a delight to see and welcome her again. Ask her about her vineyard hitchhiking story. 


  • Saturday July 27th – Chilmark Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Sunday July 28th – New Members Sunday 9am
  • Monday July 29 – August 4th – Rev. Charlotte in CT
  • Tuesday July 30th – Weekly Lobster Roll sales 4:30-6:30pm
  • Tuesday July 30th – Vineyard Sound concert 7pm 
  • Wednesday  July 31st – Chilmark Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Thursday August 1st – Meet the Fleet 3-7pm Menemsha Harbor
  • Saturday August 3rd – Chilmark Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Sunday August 4th – Guest Minister Rev. Nell Fields
  • Sunday September 15th – The Celebration Event 1pm – 3pm

Invitation for Worship Service 

Sunday July 28, 2024

Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room

Join our Zoom Meeting by tapping the underlined address below

Meeting ID: 890 298 4151
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