Pew News: July 12, 2024

Dear Members and Friends,


You are invited to join us for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost July 14th at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Rev. Charlotte will be leading worship along with Sean McMahon, Music Minister. Sermon is titled “Dancing Like David” from 2 Sam 6:1-5, 12-17 where King David returns the Ark of the Covenant to Jersulum with jubilant (and risque!) dancing. Worship order attached. Sunday School is available. Zoom link below.  

On Thursday July 18th at 1pm the church will be hosting a memorial service and reception for Carol Loud, a long time islander and Chilmark Church musician. Rev. Charlotte will be leading the service and Phil Dietterich, organist, will be directing a choir and offering up beautiful music with special guests in memory of Carol. Reception to follow with tunes by Carol’s Ukulele group. Please help by bringing finger foods/appetizers to share. 


Final total sold was 290!


The Chilmark Community Church is now an inclusive, non-denominational, independent church. It fulfills the important role of the local church and continues to serve many people in our island community. The church needs to replenish the funds which were expended to disaffiliate from the UMC, as well as needed capital improvements to both the church and parsonage.

We are starting the initial phase of the campaign. The Fundraising Committee (Julie Flanders, Judy Mayhew and Emily Broderick) is seeking 100% support and participation from the church members before they reach out to the wider community. We know that you all give very generously to our church already (time, talent & treasure), but we need a strong statement to those we will be approaching outside the church for donations. One member has agreed to start the Campaign 2024 donations with a $1,000 check. Our goal is $500,000. You will be receiving a letter in the mail shortly with more information about Campaign 2024 and how to contribute. 


We will welcome 4 new members into the church on Sunday July 28th during worship. If you are interested in being a part of this membership group feel free to talk to Rev. Charlotte ASAP or email the church at


As the church’s Sunday School continues to grow Claire Ganz (Superintendent/Lead teacher) would like to create a team of helpers to assist when needed. Currently Claire and Andy Carr, assistant, are teaching every Sunday with up to 9 children. Please let Claire ( know what dates you could be available. Also, at the end of summer when Andy leaves for college we will be looking for an Assistant Teacher for the Sunday morning classroom. This is a paid position. Please pass on any suggestions.


  • Saturday July 13th – Chilmark Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Tuesday July 16th – Weekly Lobster Roll sales 4:30-6:30pm
  • Tuesday July 16th – Vineyard Sound concert 7pm 
  • Wednesday July 17th – Chilmark Flea Market 9am – 2pm
  • Thursday July 18th – Carol Loud memorial service and reception @ 1pm
  • Sunday July 28th – New Member Sunday 9am
  • Sunday September 15th – Celebration Event (more information to follow)

Invitation for Worship Service 

Sunday July 14, 2024

Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room

Join our Zoom Meeting by tapping the underlined address below

Meeting ID: 890 298 4151
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