Pew News: June 7, 2024

Dear Members and Friends-


You are invited to join us for the Third Sunday after Pentecost June 9th at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Rev. Charlotte will be leading worship along with Music Minister Sean McMahon. Sermon is titled “Already and Not Yet” from  2 Cor 4:13-5:1 where Paul is addressing the fledgling Christian gathering in Corinth regarding faith and resilience. Worship bulletin attached. Sunday School is available. Zoom link click below. 


Sean McMahon, Music Minister, would like to meet with those who have expressed an interest in an occasional choir for Chilmark Church. He has set aside this Sunday and next Sunday from 10:10 – 10:40am for brief get-togethers. The purpose is to start on one simple choral piece and explore other selections for the future. Pass this on to others who may be interested. No past experience required!


With deep sadness the church acknowledges the passing of two island residents and beloved children of God:

Janice E. Haynes, a well known islander, Ag Fair fixture and West Tisbury resident. She was a family member of Lynne Irons and Violet Southwick.

Carol M. Mays, a Chilmark resident who passed away in New Hampshire. She was a Mayhew and part of Ted, Judy and Sarah’s family.

They will be deeply missed. May their memory be a blessing.


Annual Church Children’s Fair is Saturday June 15th from 10-12 noon with fun activities and games for all. There will be arts and crafts projects, face painting, bounce house, pony rides and more! Free and all ages welcome. Volunteer help is still needed, so contact Julie Flanders. Pictures Fair 2023.


Andy Carr is graduating from MVRHS on June 9th. He will be attending Roger Williams University in the fall and swimming on their swim team. A family hosted graduation/birthday party will be held June 15th 2-6pm in the church hall. All invited.


The newly formed NOW (Nurture, Outreach, Worship) committee met this past week and Emily Broderick was elected chairperson. The committee members are Emily, Pam, Marie, Claire, Kathie C with Corie in attendance. Nurture, the spiritual well-being of the congregation, was discussed with a focus on Sunday School, adult education, spiritual retreats and pastoral care. The church’s Outreach work, both local programs and global mission, was reviewed. Current outreach projects will continue such as Offering of Music and Light, Community Meals, Haitian teacher support, and CROP hunger walk with new mission initiatives proposed. Worship, special services, music and coffee hour were also reviewed, new ideas discussed, and suggestions made for improvement. If you would like to assist with any of these areas of ministry please let Rev. Charlotte or Emily know.


On Tuesday June 18th (new start date) at 7pm and running weekly thru August, Vineyard Sound, MV’s finest all-male collegiate a cappella choir, will be performing a public concert in the sanctuary. Suggested donation at the door. Find more information at their website


  • Saturday June 15th – The Children’s Fair 10-12
  • Saturday June 15th – Andy Carr’s party 2-6
  • Tuesday June 18th – Vineyard Sound 7pm starts every tuesday through summer
  • Wednesday June 19th – hosting Island Clergy Association lunch @ 1pm
  • Saturday June 22nd – Chilmark Flea season begins (Wednesday and Saturday)
  • Sunday June 23rd – Guest Minister Sean McMahon as Rev. Charlotte attends UCC conference
  • Tuesday June 25th – Weekly Lobster Roll sales begin 4:30-6:30pm
  • Thursday July 18th – Carol Loud memorial service and reception @ 1pm

Invitation for Worship Service 

Sunday June 9, 2024

Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room

Join our Zoom Meeting by tapping the underlined address below

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