May 21, 2017

Spring Work Day, Work done with spirit!IMG_1076It always starts with the terrace.  Gabby was on it!

IMG_1077Genc was also dedicated to the terrace.  Vicky took a break from preparing lunch to weed .

IMG_1078Claire and Emily weeded all the beds on the sunny side of the Ed. Building.

IMG_1079 (2)Chris and Danny dragged weeds and clippings to the compost pile.

IMG_1080 (2)Clark and Tim raked tons of gravel off the grass and patched driveway holes.

IMG_1083IMG_1084After planting snap dragons here and there, Sarah and Andy fixed the amazing circular sandwich!

IMG_1087IMG_1095George getting ready to tackle the upper driveway.IMG_1082Andrue after battling the Japanese knot weed.


IMG_1090Pam and Emily, singing buddies.  IMG_1094It’s almost time to go!  IMG_1098 (2)      IMG_1097George raking up plowed gravel while Clark mows the rough edges.




