Notes on The Good Shepherd

Notes on The Good Shepherd

Arlene Bodge Preached on the Good Shepherd starting with the childrens’ sermon where she demonstrated that we don’t believe what people tell us unless their actions prove the truth of their words.  Jesus said he was the Good Shepherd, she said, and he proved it by going before, leading, his flock and by laying down his life to be true to his words and his followers.
She amplified on the qualities of a good shepherd in terms of the 23rd psalm: he leads, doesn’t drive; he knows his sheep well and they know his voice; he can take them to quiet , safe places to be nourished; his staff is a tool to guide and protect, not to punish; he can always be depended on.
David wrote the psalm in his “dark valley”, says tradition.   His son, Absalon,whom he loved and depended on, had betrayed him.   Things we come to depend on, jobs, leaders, friends, health, even family, fail us.  God is the only one who, like a good shepherd, can be depended upon to guide us and comfort us all our lives long.



