Feb. 28 Pastor’s welcome

Lent is a time of spiritual journeying and preparation
for the seasons of Easter and Pentecost. It is a time of self- examination, self- denial, penitence and forgiveness in preparation for the renewal of the Easter Season. It is the time when we redouble our efforts, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to draw closer to God in Christ Jesus.
Here at Chilmark Church, apart from our Sunday Worship, we encourage you to join in daily prayers for the many personal and other social issues of our time. We have circulated a prayer chart and some written prayers that you may use. Apart from those we are circulating a virtual Taize Wednesday recorded
devotional and a series of reflections done from the Council of Bishops on racial justice. Please remember that times set aside for prayer, meditation/reflection and worship are Sabbath Time.  “ Sabbathing ” is the deliberate scheduling and spending time with God. I encourage you to make this Lenten Season a
‘ holy time ’ of spiritually journeying in faith.
Thanks for worshiping with us today. We trust you have been moved to draw closer to God.
Ernest Belisle (Pastor)




