April 26

Chilmark Community Church, United Methodist
April 26, 2009
Native American Sunday

Prelude  Fugue in C by William Zachau

Gathering and Announcements

Introit  ” Dream Song” from Chippewa

Call to Worship
May the warm winds of heaven blow softly on our house.
May the Great Spririt bless all who enter here. (Traditional Cherokee Nation Prayer)

*Hymn: # 2052 “The Lone, Wild Bird”


Confession   page 329 in Hymnal
Traditional Native American Prayer
(silent reflection)
Proclamation and Praise
Psalm # 4, p.741

New Testament:
1 John 3:1-7
Luke 24:36b-48

Response to the Word:

* Hymn 311″ Now the Green Blade Riseth”

Homily:   Some History of Christianity among the Wampanoags, by Chief Ryan Malonson

Concerns and Prayers

Silent prayer

Prayers of the People
You have come from afar and waited long and are wearied.  Let us sit side by side, sharing the same bread drawn from the same source to quiet the same hunger that makes us weak.  Then standing together let us share the same spirit, the same thoughts that once agian draw us together in friendship and unity and peace.  (Prieres D’Ozawamick, Canadian Indian, 20th Cent)

Lord’s Prayer

Offering 148 “Many and Great, O God” (Native American tune)

Prayer of Dedication:
All things come of thee O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.  AMEN

*Hymn:   “2146 His Eye is On the Sparrow”

Benediction: Before us it is blessed, behind us it is blessed, below us it is blessed, above us it is blessed, around us it is blessed as we set out with Christ.  Our speech is blessed as we set out for God.  With beauty before us, with beauty behind us, with beauty below us, with beauty above us, with beauty around us, we set out for a holy place indeed.  Amen (Trad. Navajo Prayer. Alt.)

Postlude:  “Spring” from the Four Seasons by Vivaldi

Next Week’s Scripture: Acts 4: 5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18

Organist: Carol Loud
Lay Leader: __Ann Deitrich

*stand if you are able




